DUA (Evrâd-ı Şerîfe) Cep Boy Arapça İngilizce Bordo

DUA (Cep Boy, Arapça-İngilizce)
Genişletilmiş Arapça-Türkçe Dua kitabı içeriğinin birebir tercümesi,
Sağlam ve şık cilt,
Gözü yormayan ve parlamayan özel kağıt,
Günlük duaları rahat bulmak için fihrist kesimi...
Dua kitabı, Kur'an-ı Kerim'in bazı sure ve ayetleri ile Peygamber Efendimiz'in (sas) yaptığı dualardan oluşmuştur. Peygamber Efendimiz'in mübarek dilinden dökülen dua metinleri alınırken, meşhur bazı dua ve hadisler hariç, kaynak olarak Kütüb-i Sitte'den birinde geçmesi esas alınmıştır. Her gün okunacak bölümü müteakip cuma gününden başlayarak tüm günlere göre okunacak bir seçki yapılmıştır. Genişletilmiş yeni baskıya Kur'an Okumaya Başlama Duası, Salat-i Tefriciyye, şifa ayetleri ve bazı yeni salavatlar eklenmiştir.
This DUA book is compiled from a collection of verses and chapters of the Qur'ān and invocations of the blessed Prophet. When compiling the invocations of our Prophet we took care to include those which are referenced in at least one of the six famous books of the Hadith literature known as the "Kutub al-Sittah" as well as other foundational references.
In addition to the regular supplications which are to be practiced daily, also included are the invocations which are repeated weekly on their respective days, starting with Friday. When choosing the supplications interpreted from the hadith, the subject matters in the Quranic verses for that specific day were taken as a basis for reference.
Although these invocations can be practiced any time of the day, they are most beneficial if recited between Salat al-Fajr* and Ishraq**.
Although it was the regular practice of our Prophet to recite various invocations and prayers at different times and settings, it was also his common practice to invoke prayers in accordance with certain special or routine activities he was engaged in. Some of these invocations have been included at the conclusion of this book in a separate concise format.
* Pre-dawn prayer.
** Between 15 and 45 minutes after sunrise (this may differ according to which madhhab one follows).
DUA (Cep Boy, Arapça-İngilizce)
Genişletilmiş Arapça-Türkçe Dua kitabı içeriğinin birebir tercümesi,
Sağlam ve şık cilt,
Gözü yormayan ve parlamayan özel kağıt,
Günlük duaları rahat bulmak için fihrist kesimi...
Dua kitabı, Kur'an-ı Kerim'in bazı sure ve ayetleri ile Peygamber Efendimiz'in (sas) yaptığı dualardan oluşmuştur. Peygamber Efendimiz'in mübarek dilinden dökülen dua metinleri alınırken, meşhur bazı dua ve hadisler hariç, kaynak olarak Kütüb-i Sitte'den birinde geçmesi esas alınmıştır. Her gün okunacak bölümü müteakip cuma gününden başlayarak tüm günlere göre okunacak bir seçki yapılmıştır. Genişletilmiş yeni baskıya Kur'an Okumaya Başlama Duası, Salat-i Tefriciyye, şifa ayetleri ve bazı yeni salavatlar eklenmiştir.
This DUA book is compiled from a collection of verses and chapters of the Qur'ān and invocations of the blessed Prophet. When compiling the invocations of our Prophet we took care to include those which are referenced in at least one of the six famous books of the Hadith literature known as the "Kutub al-Sittah" as well as other foundational references.
In addition to the regular supplications which are to be practiced daily, also included are the invocations which are repeated weekly on their respective days, starting with Friday. When choosing the supplications interpreted from the hadith, the subject matters in the Quranic verses for that specific day were taken as a basis for reference.
Although these invocations can be practiced any time of the day, they are most beneficial if recited between Salat al-Fajr* and Ishraq**.
Although it was the regular practice of our Prophet to recite various invocations and prayers at different times and settings, it was also his common practice to invoke prayers in accordance with certain special or routine activities he was engaged in. Some of these invocations have been included at the conclusion of this book in a separate concise format.
* Pre-dawn prayer.
** Between 15 and 45 minutes after sunrise (this may differ according to which madhhab one follows).
Taksit Sayısı | Taksit tutarı | Genel Toplam |
Tek Çekim | 516,80 | 516,80 |
2 | 268,74 | 537,47 |
3 | 182,60 | 547,81 |
6 | 93,02 | 558,14 |
9 | 63,16 | 568,48 |
Taksit Sayısı | Taksit tutarı | Genel Toplam |
Tek Çekim | 516,80 | 516,80 |
2 | 268,74 | 537,47 |
3 | 182,60 | 547,81 |
6 | 93,02 | 558,14 |
9 | 63,16 | 568,48 |
Taksit Sayısı | Taksit tutarı | Genel Toplam |
Tek Çekim | 516,80 | 516,80 |
2 | 268,74 | 537,47 |
3 | 182,60 | 547,81 |
6 | 93,02 | 558,14 |
9 | 63,16 | 568,48 |
Taksit Sayısı | Taksit tutarı | Genel Toplam |
Tek Çekim | 516,80 | 516,80 |
2 | 268,74 | 537,47 |
3 | 182,60 | 547,81 |
6 | 93,02 | 558,14 |
9 | 63,16 | 568,48 |
Taksit Sayısı | Taksit tutarı | Genel Toplam |
Tek Çekim | 516,80 | 516,80 |
2 | 268,74 | 537,47 |
3 | 182,60 | 547,81 |
6 | 93,02 | 558,14 |
9 | 63,16 | 568,48 |
Taksit Sayısı | Taksit tutarı | Genel Toplam |
Tek Çekim | 516,80 | 516,80 |
2 | 268,74 | 537,47 |
3 | 182,60 | 547,81 |
6 | 93,02 | 558,14 |
9 | 63,16 | 568,48 |
Taksit Sayısı | Taksit tutarı | Genel Toplam |
Tek Çekim | 516,80 | 516,80 |
2 | - | - |
3 | - | - |
6 | - | - |
9 | - | - |